Shihan Mato Archery・Creative Experience

Shihan Mato Archery・Creative Experience

Painting Satsuma Ware Pottery

Try your hand at decorating Satsuma Ware pottery.

Price and time:

¥3,000 – ¥4,000
(50 minutes)


Glass Etching

Sandblast your favourite design onto a glass of your choice.

We are currently closed due to machine maintenance.

Glass Accessory Making

Make your own original accessory from sparkling pieces of crystal glass

Price and time:

(30 minutes)

Shihan Mato Archery

Take aim and try an archery challenge practiced by warriors and commoners alike.

Price and time:

¥500(five arrows)
(5 minutes)


Oshima Tsumugi Sachet

Pack your own kimono silk bag full of herbs and spices to make a scented sachet

Price and time:

(15 minutes)

Bamboo Crafts

Make a selection of traditional toys from local bamboo.

Price and time:

(10 minutes)

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